Below you will find helpful document templates, tools, links, and other resources that our team developed, contributed, or utilized. You are free to copy and use these resources with the understanding that Zero Friction LLC provides no warranties for their utility and assumes no liability for their use.
Blockchain Tools
ChainExtract - Zero Friction's blockchain data risk analysis engine to support investigations by leveraging several OSINT technologies. Contact us for licensing requirements.
Eth Fund Me - Are you interested in raising money similar to Go Fund Me but using the Ethereum smart contract instead? Eth Fund Me is a prototype Ethereum-based decentralized application from Zero Friction highlighting our capabilities.
Hack and Scam Database - Access our aggregation of current and historical hacks and scams within the blockchain ecosphere.​
Cybersecurity Tools
CMMC Assessment Advisor - This Assessment Advisor allows for organizations to conduct their CMMC self-assessments. The tool is a macro-enabled Excel workbook with control requirements, control clarification, examples from the CMMC guide, and additional resources from CMMC Center of Awesomeness into single source. From data collection to analysis and reporting, the free-to-use CMMC Assessment Advisor does it all.
FISMA Assessment Accelerator - This internally-developed, highly-versatile, and field-tested tool enables multiple security assessors to perform security assessment for their assigned controls, and to merge their results into single report, effectively evaluate organization compliance to NIST 800-53 Revision 4. The tool also provides cross-mapping capabilities to NIST CSF and Critical Security Controls. Learn more about the FISMA Assessment Accelerator here.
System Security Plan Extraction Scripts - These are internally developed migration scripts that summarize and extract control implementation details from FedRAMP-based System Security Plans in Word and Excel formats, and organize them into structured format (csv) for import into Archer GRC or other GRC platform. The extraction scripts are highly customizable and have demonstrated significant reduction in data migration time for several GRC projects. Contact us for licensing requirements.
External Blockchain Tools​​
BIP39 Wallet Mnemonic Code Generator - Generate random BIP39 -compliant mnemonics (seed words)
Bitquery - A multi-chain blockchain explorer with data exporting capability
Blockchair - One of the best block explorers.
​Breadcrumbs - This is one of the best modern forensic tools with highly accurate attribution data. It is our 'go to' tool for performing blockchain forensics.
Etherscan - The best block explorer for Ethereum with attribution information.
Metamask - Recommended wallet for decentralized application development on Ethereum
- MythX - Another highly-regard smart contract auditing tool from ConsenSys
Nanopool - Highly recommended mining pool as we have worked with Nanopool for Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Monero mining for the past several years.
SmartDec Scanner - Automated smart contract auditing solution recommended from our internal development team
Wallet Explorer - Highly recommended as the 'go to' open source tool for BTC wallet analysis.​